I’m teaching a Geomancy workshop in Seattle Sunday March 26th at 12:30pm, going till about 5pm. The cost is $30.
Geomancy is divination by the casting and interpreting of certain figures, sixteen in all. It is a practice of which originated somewhere in the Middle East / North Africa, and spread to Europe in the early Middle Ages. As a divinatory form, it is quite distinct in results and feel from any other form of divination (such as tarot and astrological divination). It tends to be more calculative in its process and result in answers that are more specific and less abstract.
In the sense that the figures are comprised of binary rows, it can be said that Geomancy is like the Western version of the I-Ching.
This is my measure of success: if by the end of the class you are able to do on-the-spot skrying using geomantic figures, and know the techniques of casting a full shield chart and the 12 house astrological chart. Let’s make it so!
Cost of Class: $30
Additional optional costs: $5 for reference handbook
What you get for $30 is about five hours of instruction through talking, Q&A, slideshows, demonstrations, and actually making Geomancy charts and doing divination in the class. You’ll need to bring a notebook and a pen/pencil and maybe some snack/drinks. There will be handbooks available that can serve as quick reference to many of the tables of correspondences and techniques found in Geomancy. These can be purchased after the class for $5. I wlll also be providing free Geomancy query charts and lecture handouts gratis.
The way I teach is in line with the popular books on the subject by John Michael Greer (The Art and Practice of Geomancy) and Skinner (Geomancy in Theory and Practice), not to mention 16th century magician/occult writer Henry Cornelius Agrippa 🙂 I also practice Geomancy in some new ways developed from years of experience and hundreds of readings, and I will teach these practices and concepts in addition to the more universal methods.
I am a bit obsessed with Geomancy and can honestly say that I am one of a rather small number of people in America who actually divine regularly using Geomancy for the general public. I would really like to see this wonderful form of divination restored to its former Renaissance era glory 🙂
Here’s a topic list:
* Theoretical and General Historical overview of divination and geomancy
* Conceptual overview of symbols / concepts used to form correspondences in geomancy
* The 16 figures explained
* A multifarious approach to asking and refining your question
* Casting a shield chart
* Casting a house chart
* Advanced interpretation methods
* Divination Demonstration
* Class Participation in Individually casting Geomancy charts
* Resources, books and online
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